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août, 21 2018

Vacation is over,
let’s win back some funds!

0€ left to pay your taxes?
With any purchase of a watch on our website before September 30th, 2018,
you will be eligible for our big lottery of the season!
The lucky winner will receive 1000 euros in cash!
Pretty cool, right?

The winner will be selected randomly on Sunday 9/30




"Earn 1000 € for the new year"



Article 1 - Definition and conditions of the competition

The company G & L WATCHES AND ACCESSORIES with a capital of 1,538 Euros is registered in the Trade and Companies Register of PARIS under the number 809 413 685 having its registered office at 6 avenue General de Gaulle 78000 Versailles, organizes a quiz in the part of an Internet marketing campaign, intended to promote the website www.williaml1985.com.

G & L WATCHES AND ACCESSORIES is also referred to as "the Organizer, the Organizing Company, the Organizers, the Professional". • The "Contestant" in the contest is also referred to as "the Entrant, the User, the Contributor, the Player".
The "Winner" in the draw is also referred to below as the "Winner".


Article 2 - Conditions of participation

This game is open to any physical person, major, having a connection to the Internet and having bought a watch on the site www.williaml1985.com between 24/08/2018 and 30/09/2018, after acceptance of participation conditions in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Only one participation per physical person is accepted during the whole contest period.

G & L WATCHES AND ACCESSORIES and members of their families are excluded from participation in the contest.


Article 3 - Dates of the competition

Contest start date: August 24, 2018 at 2 pm

End date of the competition: September 30, 2018 at 5 pm

Date of the draw: September 30, 2018

Winner Designation Date: September 30, 2018


Article 4 - Terms of participation

4.1) Conditions for submitting an application In order for the participation to be validated by the Organizer, there are two steps that must be followed: the Participant must: a) Log on to the website www.williaml1985.com by clicking on the following accessible address for the duration of the contest and bought a William L. 1985 watch. www.williaml1985.comb) Registration is done automatically through the normal purchasing procedure.
4.2) Guarantees and responsibility for the validity of applicationsG & L WATCHES AND ACCESSORIES reserves the right to cancel, terminate or modify this operation if it does not proceed as agreed: any virus, bug, violation, unauthorized intervention, fraud , action by a competitor, technical problem or other cause beyond the control of G & L WATCHES AND ACCESSORIES alters and affects the administration, safety, fairness, integrity, or conduct of G & L WATCHES AND ACCESSORIES. In general, the Participants guarantee the Organizers of the present contest against any recourse, action or claim that could be formed, in any capacity, by any third party, for all the guarantees and commitments made. Any incomplete or erroneous participation will be rejected, without the responsibility of the Organizer being able to be engaged. Any false statement of a participant will result in his exclusion from the contest without the responsibility of the Organizer being engaged. Thus, the Organizing Company reserves the right without reserve to moderate a posteriori and not to validate, to exclude, remove from the contest, any participant who does not respect one of the conditions of the present regulation.
4.3) Draw Terms - A draw to designate the Winner.


Article 5 - Endowments / lots

5.1) Commercial value of prizes: The prize is offered by G & L WATCHES AND ACCESSORIES and constitutes in this sense an "endowment". The lot is a sum of money of 1000 €. The selected entrant will be the winner of the contest.
5.2) Terms of recovery and use As provided for in Article 6, the Winner must contact the relevant Professional directly in the prize and comply with the terms of use defined in article 5.1.


Article 6 - Lot allocation methods

One endowment for the same individual. The Winner will then be asked to provide their precise contact details: surname, first name, date of birth, address, city, postal code, country, telephone number, email address, IBAN or Paypal account by email at: info@williaml1985.com. the information provided by the participant is incomplete and / or does not inform him of his winnings, he will lose the quality of Winner and can not make any claim.

The Organizer can not be held responsible in the case of technical suspicions regarding this electronic notification of winnings. Without communication of this information from the Winner in 8 days, he will lose his quality of Winner.

The official and personalized notifications of attribution of prizes to the Winner with the description and the terms of withdrawal will be sent by return email to the email address they have indicated, including a copy of the message on the email box Professionals concerned.


Article 7 - Personal and personal data

Players allow in advance only because of their participation, which the Organizers use

freely for advertising or promotional purposes whatever the medium, all the nominative information provided on behalf of them and in all media.

The personal data collected about you are mandatory and necessary for the treatment of your participation in the game. They are intended for Organizers, or subcontractors and / or service providers for management purposes.

In accordance with the regulations in force, the information collected is intended exclusively for the Organizers and will not be sold or sold to third parties in any way whatsoever.

The information provided by the participant is intended for the use of G & L WATCHES AND ACCESSORIES in the context of access to its service in accordance with the general conditions of sale and in the context of the management of this game.


Article 8 - Responsibilities and rights

Organizers :

  • Reserve the right to modify, extend, shorten, limit or cancel the game in case of force majeure as defined by the case law.
  • Consequently, their liability can not be incurred as a result.
  • Can not be held responsible for the fraudulent use of a Participant's login rights or prize allocation.
  • Relieve all responsibility in case of malfunction of the internet network, telephone lines, reception equipment preventing the smooth running of the game. In addition, their responsibility can not be accepted in any case for problems of routing or loss of email or postal.
  • Relieve any responsibility in the event of any technical, anomalous, hardware or software failure of any nature (virus, bug, etc.) caused on the Participant's system, their computer equipment and the data stored therein and the consequences that may result therefrom their personal, professional or commercial activity.


Article 9 - Conditions of exclusion

Participation in these games implies the full and entire acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in the present rules without any reservation or precondition of the Participant, the non-respect of the aforementioned rules, resulting in the exclusion of the contest, the outright nullity of its participation and the allocation of lots.


Article 10 - Competent jurisdictions

This regulation is subject to French law.

Parties shall endeavor to resolve amicably any difference arising from the interpretation or execution of this Regulation. If the disagreement persists, it will be submitted to the competent courts.

The Participant acknowledges having read the present rules, accept them unreservedly and comply with them.


octobre, 11 2018

All about our new
GMT & Chrono Dual Time

5 Reasons Why
septembre, 12 2018

You should fall for a William L. watch

août, 28 2017

Back to our Story
